MEL OTT PreK – 1  (T-Ball) Division Rules updated November 1, 2023

Mel Ott Lutheran PreK-1 Rules (T-Ball)
For the 2024 Season
PreK-1 (T-Ball) Division (4 yrs. to Grade 1)
May 1, 2020 to September 1, 2017

Insurance Coverage:  Each team’s registration fee includes insurance coverage for players, coaches, and leadership. Policy includes basic accident medical and general liability coverage secondary to the church coverage.
Eligibility: Any player born prior to September 1, 2016 is overage. Likewise, any player who has not reached his/her fourth birthday by that same day is deemed under age
By consent of the player, his/her parents, the team manager, and the Church coordinator an underage player might play. No overage players are permitted unless exception granted by the League Coordinator.

- The minimum uniform consists of caps and numbered T-Shirts.
- All players are highly encouraged to wear an athletic supporter.
- No metal cleats are allowed on shoes.
- A batting helmet must be worn while running the bases.
- A soft baseball RIF Level 1 will be used.
- 60' Bases will be used.
- Pitcher required to wear helmet with face shield.

- A regulation game is 1 hour.
- A half-inning is considered over after 3 outs are made, or 4 runs have been scored.
- Score will be kept and a batting order will be followed.  
- Fielding Team Coach is the umpire.

- All children on the team must be in the batting order.
- The defensive team is allowed to field ten (10) players. Five (5) Infield & 5 (five) outfielders.
- No player can play any position for more than two innings in a game.
- No Catchers will be used.
- Maximum 14 players per team

-T-Ball: Players may not enter the batting area until the ball is placed on the tee.       
-T-Ball: Players are limited to five swings to hit the ball. Otherwise, it is considered a strike out.
-T-Ball: Bunting is not allowed. Ball must go past the t-ball circle around the plate. (15' radius)
-T-Ball: Must make contact with Ball (not Hit Tee and ball roll out)
- Coach Pitch after 2nd week of season: OK if player capable - must pick one style per batter per at bat (Coach or T-Ball). Batter is out if total pitch (at bat) attempts exceeds 5 pitches.

Base Running:
-Runners may not leave the base until the ball is hit.
-There is no limit on the number of bases a batter may attain. However, when a ball thrown or run in from the outfield reaches the infield, the ball is dead.
-A runner cannot advance to the next base unless they are more than halfway to the next base.               
-Coaches are highly encouraged to place a chalk/paint line at the halfway point of each base.
-Two coaches will be allowed in the field to give directions to the players.

Keys to making this division a success:
-To expedite play, hold firm to the max. 5 swing count. (no exceptions !!!!)
-We are here to develop individual talent, not to win games.

RAINOUTS:  The church coordinators are responsible for rescheduling rained out games as soon as possible after a rainout. Coaches should report rainouts to their coordinators. Text rainouts to Umpire Coordinator immediately upon decision - include Team Name, Game Number & Location.

SCHEDULES:  Once the schedules have been prepared, all games are firm unless canceled by an act of God. By the first game should a reschedule be necessary, after the coaches agree on a reschedule date, the home team coach must request approval from the umpire scheduler.