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Tournament Info For Summer 2024

Teams will play in either 3 or 4 tournaments.  Selection of tournaments will depend on the skill level of the team and coach preference.  Tuition will range from 650 to 850 depending on the number of tournaments.

Possible Tournaments

Tropic Meltdown April , South Shore MA

K-Cup June, Hudson, NH 

CCM Summer Invtie, Southern MA

Prep Cup June, Hudson, NH 

Boston Elite Exposure, June, Bedford, MA

Mini Chowder Cup, July , Foxboro, MA

Montreal Meltdown May, Montreal QC

New England Summerfest , May, Danbury CT

Summerfest, July, Tyngsboro

Valley Jr Warrior Torunament, August, North Shore MA

Tropic Summer Meltdown, Mid July, Rockland MA

Border Battle, Late August, Hudson NH

Summer Sizzler, July, Hookset NH

Boston Memorial Cup, May, Warrior Arena and greater Boston