Jun 6 2022

2022 BASGH 9-A-Side Soccer Tournament Rules and Regulations:
- 9 players on the field maximum
- 7 players required to start a game
- Maximum of 18 players in roster.
- 190 by 120 feet field size. 18 feet x 6.5 feet gold posts.
- Two 30-minute running halves with 10 minute half time.
- Offside trap line will be drawn by the D box
- Unlimited Substitution
- Slide tackles are illegal
- All free kicks are direct except on Goalkeeper pass back violation (indirect)
- All games are RAIN or SHINE (unless dangerous weather conditions)
- Forfeit will be decided if teams can’t start a match 10 min from scheduled start time.
- Unsportsmanlike behavior will result in that player/team being suspended/removed from participating in BASGH leagues for one year.
- Injury time will be decided by the referee.
- The referee’s judgment shall be the final determining factor.
In order to participate in the league, each participant must sign the team waiver. Waivers are provided and must be completed and handed in no later than 30 minutes before the start of play. Players not present the original/primary roster will be required to sign a waiver before participating. Players must sign the waiver in order to be eligible for playoffs.
- Promote and encourage the people of Bangladeshi origin, to participate in soccer games.
- Encourage friendly, family-oriented, and positive soccer atmosphere.
- Encourage young players of Bangladeshi origin to join in soccer teams.
- Promote friendship and goodwill through soccer games and tournaments between participating teams.
All registration will be done online by visiting www.tinyurl.com/basghsoccer. Teams can also contact BASGH Tournament organizers to register.
The competition is open to teams composed only of players that are:
- Of Bangladeshi origin
- Immediate family members of a person of Bangladeshi origin
- No Age restrictions
League- Straight Round Robin
Playoff Games- Playoff games will follow the same regulation as the Round Robin Stage. If teams are tied at the end of regulation in the playoffs, sudden death overtime will be used.
Extra time
- Two 5 minute periods with a 5 minute break. No sudden death.
- If neither team scores after the 5 x 2 minute overtime period, teams will go into a shootout
- Each team selects 5 players from the 9 that played in the 2nd half of Extra Time and informs referee of shooters prior to the first shot being taken
- The Goal Keeper may be substituted before the start of penalty kicks.
- Both teams shoot at the same goal
- Teams will alternate taking direct penalty shots from 12 yards out from the goal line
- If tied after both teams have had their 5 players shoot, SUDDEN DEATH will apply (i.e., 1st player from Team A scores and 1st player from Team B misses - Team A wins)
- Players are not eligible to shoot again until all remaining players present have shot
- 9 players at any one time – includes the Goalkeeper
- Teams may play with no less than 7 players
- If a team has less than 7 players a forfeit will be awarded
- Teams MUST start at game time if the minimum numbers of players is present
- Rosters are limited to 18 players maximum. Waivers (Electronic or Hard copy) must be signed by all players and handed in before the start of the first game. PLAYERS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY GAME WITHOUT SIGNING THE WAIVER
- Game is an official forfeit when one team has: Fewer than 7 roster players show up
- Protests in regards to non-roster players must be made to referee or tournament officials
Team Responsibilities
- Each team will be responsible to speak to the team players about the game rules and conducts inside the field prior to a game.
- Each team will be responsible for the behavior of their players.
- Each team should be responsible for managing actions and behaviors of their verbal abuse, offensive comments and entering into the field during the game will not be allowed.
- All teams are responsible for the cleanup of the fields after each game. Please do not leave garbage on the sidelines.
Player Responsibilities:
- Players must show mutual respect to each other and carry out the referee's instructions during the game.
- A player will be cautioned for persistently infringing the rules of the game through showing with words or actions, or dissent from any decision given by the referee.
- If a player, whom the referee has already cautioned, commits another similar offense, the referee may show him the yellow and/or red card and remove him from the game.
- A player may also be removed from the game if, in the opinion of the referee, he is
(i) guilty of violent conduct or serious foul play,
(ii) uses foul or abusive language or yells at other players and the referee, and
(iii) persists in misconduct after having received a caution.
Miscellaneous Rules
- Dropkicking and punting will be allowed.
- Good judgment, sportsmanship and fair play should govern the decisions and actions of all the Team officials, coaches, referees and spectators.
- Team officials, coaches, their assistants or spectators are not allowed on the field of play during the game unless permission is given by the referee (in case of emergencies or unusual situations).
- Standard soccer shoes or gym shoes shall be worn by all players. Players are not allowed to play in their bare feet. Metal cleats – NOT allowed. Shoes with toe cleats will not be permitted.
- All players are encouraged to wear shin guards. Socks must be worn up and over the shin guards.
- A player must not use equipment or wear anything which is dangerous to himself or another player (including any kind of jewelry).
- All players/Teams are encouraged to be in uniform to play.
- A player shall not wear anything that may be dangerous to other players or themselves.
- Referee discretion may be used to determine if an item of protective clothing is considered to go beyond the purpose of safe play.
- No player shall be allowed to play in any regularly scheduled practice or game with an injury or a known medical condition, which can be communal or aggravated by playing.
- Prosthetic Devices require a physicians permission before a player may play and it must state the player needs to wear the device in order to play. Even then, such devices must pose no danger to other players on the field. The referee’s judgment shall be the final determining factor.
Game Duration and Ball Size:
- Two 25-minute periods with a 10-minute halftime break; a size five (5) ball will be used.
It is sincerely hoped that NO games will be forfeited during this tournament, as the expressed purpose of this tournament is to encourage good sportsmanship and participation with as much soccer as possible. In the event that a team must forfeit, the following rules shall apply:
- A team shall be allowed a 10-minute grace period after the scheduled kick-off time before the game is awarded to their opponent. A minimum of seven (7) players constitutes a team.
- In no case will a team that has forfeited a game qualify for awards.
- A game forfeited will result in all points of the game being awarded to the opponent team.
Due to the extremely tight schedule, we strongly suggest arriving at the field 10-20 minutes before game time for stretching, changing, etc. since the games must start on time to complete the game.
The tournament will be played through almost any weather. In the unlikely event that any games have to be rescheduled, for whatever reason, the rescheduling will be made at the discretion of the Tournament Committee.
Game Postponement
A game may be postponed at the field site if weather conditions are too hazardous for play. Extreme weather includes lightning, snow or ice on the ground. Drizzling Rain is not a reason to postpone play. In case of a postponed game, the Tournament Organizers have the ability to reschedule the game as long as it does not conflict with the remainder of the season.
Games may be canceled due to dangerous weather conditions, facility constraints or other unforeseeable reasons. BASGH will not cancel games unless absolutely necessary so you should always assume games are on unless you have definite communication. If the games are canceled or Rescheduled, BASGH/ Tournament organizers will notify the Captains/Team Officials. It is then the captain/ team officials responsibility to inform all teammates of the cancellation.
Ball in and out of Play
- The ball is out of play when it has wholly crossed the goal line or whole touchline.
- The ball is out of play, when the referee has stopped the game.
Substitutions, without limit, may be made with the referees’ permission:
- after a goal has been made
- at the beginning of the second half of play
- at a goal kick by either team
- at a throw-in by the team in possession
- at any stoppage time.
Limited substitutions may be made with the referees’ permission:
- in case of stoppage of play for an injury on a one for one basis for the injured player(s)
- to replace a cautioned player
- The ball must completely cross the goal line to be considered a goal
- For balls in the air, the entire ball must have crossed the imaginary plane of a goal line to be allowed including if part of the ball hit off one or more posts
- Offside trap line will be drawn by the D box.
- The thrower must face the field of play and must keep both feet on the ground while releasing the ball. Thrower must use both hands on both sides of the ball to deliver the ball from behind and over their head.
- If there is an illegal throw, possession will be passed to the opposing team who will put the ball in play via throw-in.
- The thrower may not play the ball until another player has touched it. If the thrower plays the ball a second time before another player has touched it, the above re-throw rules will apply.
- A goal shall not be scored directly from the throw-in.
- A throw in may go to the Goalkeeper but the Goal Keeper may not use their hands (An indirect kick will be taken from where the throw came from if a Goalkeeper uses their hands in this situation)
Goal Kicks
- When the whole of the ball passes over the whole of the goal line, excluding the portion between the goal posts and under the crossbar (either in the air or on the ground), having last been played by one of the players on the attacking team, it shall be kicked directly into play by a goal kick.
- A goal kick may be taken from anywhere inside the goal area.
- Any defending player, including the goalkeeper, may take the goal kick.
- The kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has been touched or played by another player.
- Goal kicks must be taken from any spot on or within the goal box
- A goal kick is a direct kick. The offensive team can score without anyone else touching the ball
- The opposing team must be 6 yards away before the ball is kicked.
Goal Keepers
- The Goalkeeper may use their hands anywhere inside the goal area
- Goalkeeper has 10 seconds to release the ball once picked up in the goal area
- Once the Goalkeeper has released control of the ball, he/she cannot touch it again with their hands until it has been touched by an opponent.
- Goalkeepers cannot use their hands on balls that have been intentionally directed to them by a teammate’s feet/body. They must play these balls with their feet. If the Goal Keeper use their hands, a Goalkeeper pass back violation occurs and an indirect free kick is awarded from the spot where the pass originated from
- Head ball pass backs are permitted
- Goal Keepers can’t use their hands if directly receiving a teammates throw in
- Goalkeepers can punt or drop kick the ball
- If Goalkeeper punts/drop kicks ball, a corner kick for the opposing team will be awarded
Fouls and Misconduct
- Kicks: Free kicks shall be classified under two (2) headings: “Direct”, from which a goal can be scored by a direct kick against the offending side and “Indirect”, from which a goal cannot be scored unless the ball has been played or touched by a player other than the kicker before passing through the goal. The opponent must be 6 yards away before the ball is kicked.
- Play should stop when a player acts in a careless, reckless, or dangerous manner. The incident should be explained and then play is restarted with an INDIRECT FREE KICK for the opposing team.
- Slide tackling will not be allowed.
Yellow Card
- Swearing, gesturing at, or arguing with any player
- Arguing with the referee
- An intentional (in the eyes of the referee) kick, trip, jump at, strike, hold, push, or charge from behind or violently charge an opponent
- Slide tackling
If a player receives two yellow cards in one game, they will be ejected and their team will need to play one player short for the remainder of the game.
If a player receives 1 yellow card each in consecutive games then he is not allowed to play the 3rd match.
Red Card
- Fighting, swearing, gesturing at or excessive arguing with the referee
- Two yellow card violations
- Multiple instances of excessively dangerous play as deemed by the referee
If a player receives a red card for any reason, the player will be ejected and their team will need to play one player short for the remainder of the game. The player also cannot play in the next scheduled game.
Corner Kick
- The offensive team will put the ball back in play, when signaled to by the referee, from the corner of the field nearest to where the ball went out
- Opposing players must be at least 5 yards from the ball
- A corner kick is a direct kick. The offensive team can score without anyone else touching the ball
- If the player who takes the kick plays the ball a second time before it has been touched by another player, the referee shall explain to the kicker the proper procedure of a corner kick. Then the referee shall award an indirect kick to the opposite team from a spot where the infringement occurred. For any other infringement the kick shall be retaken.
Any player receiving two (2) yellow cards or one (1) red card in a match will be ejected from the match and will not be allowed to play in the next match.
All decisions made by the referee are final and may not be protested or appealed.
Only the Captain or Vice Captain are allowed to discuss any issues with the referee during an ongoing match.
There will be no protests allowed during the tournament. Protesting due to referee performance or otherwise is strictly prohibited.
The tournament committee reserves the right to suspend or cancel game play due to circumstances deemed necessary, including but not limited to, misconduct of any team representatives including players, coaches, team officials and spectators. This can additionally result in a team being disqualified from the remainder of the tournament.
Any protests or claims NOT RELATED TO THE OUTCOME OF THE GAME shall be submitted by a team official to tournament organizers within 60 minutes of the completion of the match in question. Upon receipt the Tournament management committee shall consider the protest and arrive at a decision
The Tournament Committee reserves the right to decide on all matters pertaining to the tournament; all interpretations of the rules are final. Under no circumstances will the Tournament Committee, the host club, or governing body be responsible for reimbursing any expenses (including tournament entry fee) incurred by any team; including situations in which the tournament or any game(s) is cancelled in whole or in part.
Upon notice of acceptance, any team that withdraws from the tournament will forfeit the entry fee in its entirety.
BASGH Tournament Organizers are not responsible for any injuries.
Group standings will be based on the following point system:
- Win – 2 points
- Loss – 0 points
- Draw – 1 point
- Forfeit – 0 point
In case of two teams receiving the same number of points in the GROUP STAGE; the advancing team will be decided using the following rule:
a) The winner will be determined by goal difference (scored for -scored against). The team with the higher goal difference will advance to the final. In case there is a tie in the goal difference, then rule # b) will be used to break the tie.
b) The team scored the most goals will advance to the final. If both teams scored the same number of goals, then the winner will be decided by rule # c).
c) The team that ceded least number of goals will advance. If there is still a tie then the winner will be decided by the rule # d).
d) The winner of the regular game between the two teams will advance to the final.
I acknowledge receiving and reading the tournament rules of 2022 BASGH Soccer Tournament and, by participating in the tournament, I agree to abide by the rules of the tournament and demonstrate the appropriate sportsmanship that is expected of any sportsman in a tournament setting.