Apr 18 2022

Rain Out Procedure

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Hello Coaches,

Rain Out Procedures will be as follows:

  1. Rain Outs must be decided unanimously with coaches from both teams plus the manager of the home team program.
  2. Rain Outs must be communicated to Bret Rizzo - bret.rizzo@gmail.com in order to communicate with Wayne Rockensuess, umpire coordinator.
  3. Rain Outs can/will be called for 1.) Rain during scheduled game time; 2.) Forecasted severe weather at game time; 3.) unsafe field conditions at game time regardless of weather (i.e. standing water, unsafe surface conditions, etc.); 4.) any act of God that prevents safe play.
  4. Rain Outs that are called by officials during the game are subject to the Complete/Incomplete game guidelines as published in the league rules.
  5. Rescheduled games will usually take place NO EARLIER than 72 hours after the scheduled game time to allow for fields and umpires to be re-assigned.
  6. Rescheduled games may or may not be on the same field with the same home/away assignments as the originally scheduled game.
  7. All disputes will be handled by the managers, league director, scheduling coordinator, and umpire coordinator as needed.

Let me know if you have any questions.


-Bret Rizzo


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