Saskatchewan Amateur Volleyball Association

May 8 2023

Event Waivers

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Unfortunately, some individuals didn't complete their event waivers (health check) on Sunday. This is how we determine who was playing that day in the event a contact trace is required. This is a requirement to play in the league. Therefore, going forward, if an individual does not complete the event waiver on a particular match (event), the team will take a loss on that match. If individuals are still not completing the waivers, the SAVA executive will need to consider more extreme measures.

To clarify, an event waiver needs to be completed prior to each event. Not just once per day. Waivers cannot be completed after the event. Please turn on your TeamLinkt notifications. A reminder to complete the waiver is pushed out a couple of hours prior to the event.

Following the Return to Play Protocol is not optional or negotiable. When players signed up they agreed to the protocol. If it is not followed the league could be shut down and/or fined.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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