Feb 25 2025
Soccer Rules Grades 1-2 (Ages 6-7)
Rocky Ridge Soccer Ages 6-7
There will be 2 periods of 20 minutes with a 5-minute break in between periods.
Every 5 minutes, coaches will be reminded to make substitutions if needed.
8 v 8, including the goalie. Kickoff
The ball will be placed at midfield, and the Home team will begin the game with a free kick.
The defending team must stay on their half of the field and outside the starting circle, or 5 yards away from the ball, until the ball has been kicked.
There will be a new kickoff at the start of each period and after each goal. Scoring
If the ball crosses the goal line, the team is awarded 1 point. The ball must fully cross the goal line.
After a goal is scored, the opposing team will begin play with a free kick from the midfield point.
Out of Bounds Play
If the ball is knocked out of bounds on either sideline, the ball is awarded to the opposing team, which will throw the ball back in bounds using two hands positioned over their head and both feet touching the ground. The ball may be thrown forwards or backward.
If the ball was knocked out of bounds by the offensive team near the goal line, the ball is awarded to the opposing team, and the goalkeeper must kick the ball upfield from inside the goalie box.
If the ball was knocked out of bounds by the defensive team near the goal line, the ball is awarded to the opposing team, and the ball must be kicked in play from the corner closest to where the ball went out of bounds by any offensive player. Hands
If any player touches the ball with their hands, the ball is awarded to the other team with a free kick placed where the foul occurred.
"Hands" is considered any part of an extended arm or hand. Free Kicks
Players must be 5 yards away from the ball until the ball has been kicked.
Free Kick is awarded for the following penalties:
o Handball o Unsportsmanlike / Aggressive / Dangerous behavior
o Attempting to kick the ball when the goalkeeper has possession
Penalty Kicks – Awarded when a Free Kick penalty is called within the goal box.
o 6 yards away from goal or top of the goalie box. Goal Keeper
The Goalkeeper may touch or grab the ball with their hands as long as they are within the goalkeeper box; otherwise, they can only kick the ball.
Once the goalkeeper has possession of the ball, they can throw or kick the ball in any way to move the ball upfield.
There is no offsides rule for this age group.
Field, Ball, and Goal Size
Field Size – 75' x 125'
Goal Size – 10' x 6'
Goal Keeper Box Size – 20' x 15'
Ball Size – 3