Jun 5 2024

Step by Step Instructions on how to register

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1) Start the registration process by clicking here.  This brings you to the registration page for the league. 

You can also find the registration page by going to myrohl.ca and clicking on the REGISTRATION menu tab.

2) Once you are on the registration page, select player or goalie registration.

3) You should see this page.  Click "Get Started" in the bottom right corner.

4) You'll then be asked to either login or create an account in TeamLinkt.  

If you are creating an account, click on the "create an account".  You will see this.  Fill in all of the information and create a password.

If you already have a TeamLinkt account, just log in.

5) Once you are logged in you are on the second step.  Proceed to complete the registration by following each of the remaining steps.  On this second step you need to provide an emergency contact.  The other information (phone number and birthdate) should be filled in from your account.  If not, provide those as well.  It is best to use your cell number.

I hope this gets you started on the registration process.

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