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Jul 1 2023

6/22, 24, 25 Game Recaps

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6/22 Game Recaps

Royals 8 - Procore 1

Jake Jones - 6 IP, 1 ER, 7K, Jon Simpson - 3 Run HR, Nick Schulz - 2 hits, 3 RBI

Orville's 2 - LDC 1

Spencer Harford 5 IP, 1 ER, 4K, Kyle Borrello - 2 IP, 3K, GW RBI

Vince Stutz & Patrick Evans - combined no hitter, 5K

Longhorns 18 - FCP 10 - recap to follow

6/24 Game Recaps

Royal 15 - LDC 5

Mike Lubecki - CG - 9k's, Connor Hoehman - HR - 2RBI, Nick Schulz - 3 hits

LDC - Evans - 2 2B

Orville's 3 - FCP 1

Anthony Greco - 2 hits, Tommy Zwirecki - 2B RBI, Carmen Panaro - 2B RBI, Connor Desiderio - 5 2/3 - 7k's, 3 hitter

FCP - Ross - 1-1 RBI

Longhorns 5 - KC Curve 3

Blaise Kolbert & Sam Staerker combined for the win

6/25 Game Recaps

Longhorns 6 - Procore 2

Tyler Swartzkopf - 4 IP, 2runs, Trevor Marchese 3 IP 0 runs allowed

Orville's 8 - Royals 1

Joey Haynes & Adam Scibetta 3 hits each, Scibetta HR & 2 RBI's, Thomas Russo & Aidan Paul combined 2 hitter with 10 K's

KC Curve 10 - FCP 4

14 team hits led by Matt Armstrong 3 hits (2) 2B 2 RBI's, Nolan Smith 2 hits, 3 RBI's, 5 IP 1 run, 3 hitter









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