As the parent/legal guardian of the athlete named in this form, I hereby consent to my child's participation in the Morgan Dawgs Elite Basketball program and acknowledge that related training, games, and events may take place in multiple locations. Though the club will provide transportation for players to and from club-sponsored activities when possible, it is unable to do so on every occasion. I hereby acknowledge and understand that when the club provides transportation to and from a club-sponsored activity, the club generally requires the player to use such transportation. If I nonetheless decide that my child will not use such transportation or if club-provided transportation is not available for the player to and from the club-sponsored activity, I hereby acknowledge that it is my responsibility to arrange alternative, non-club transportation for my child. Toward this end, in addition to transportation provided by me, I hereby give my permission for my child to:
I understand that if I do not permit my child to use the above-referenced alternative, non-club transportation to and from club-sponsored activities, the player will be restricted to transportation provided by me or the child’s other parent/guardian. The following information must be obtained in instances when private transportation (carpool) is utilized for player activity travel:
● A minimum Liability Insurance coverage of $100,000/$300,000 bodily injury per person or $500,000 combined single limits; $25,000 property damage.
I hereby acknowledge that I have thoroughly read and understand the statements and conditions stated herein and agree to the terms of this Consent, Release, and Assumption of Risk. My signature signifies compliance with all the above statements.