Edmonton Touch Football Association
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Weather Policy:

The following information is designed to inform teams when bad weather strikes. As we all know, Edmonton has some odd weather patterns. A torrential downpour can turn into sunshine within the hour and vice versa. The league does not cancel games in the event of rain, snow, heat, or cold. Games will only be cancelled in the event that playing conditions are unsafe. Teams are strongly advised to dress for the weather and have plenty of water available during the summer. The league does use meteorological data to aid in decision making, please keep in mind professional meteorologists are sometimes wrong, so often we used the old tried and true, "stick your head out the window method."

General Rules:

  • The league will monitor the weather and attempt to make a decision no later than 1.5 hours prior to that day's game start times.
  • In the event that games are cancelled prior to kick-off, team representatives will be emailed.
  • If there are no game cancellation emails 1.5 hours prior to game start times, teams and officials can assume the games are on as planned.

Weather Specific Policies:

  • If the forecasted temperature at game time is supposed to feel like a temperature >36ºC (i.e. 37ºC or more), games will be postponed.
  • If the forecasted Air Quality Index Value at game time is supposed to be >7 (i.e. 8 or more), games will be postponed.
  • If rain persists/begins within 1.5 hours of game time, the officials at the field will have the final say on play-ability. Officials have the authority to cancel the games at the field because of the prevailing weather conditions.


Should players text / contact the Executive to see if games are still on?

  • No. The league will email team captains at least 1.5 hours before kickoff if games are being postponed.

When does the league cancel games due to the weather?

  • The league will cancel games in the event that rain has persisted to a point to make the fields unplayable or unsafe.
  • The league will cancel games if there is persistent lightning or other unsafe conditions.

What happens to the game when a rain out occurs?

  • Any games that are stopped at halftime or after will be considered completed and the score at the time of a game stoppage will be considered the final score.
  • Any games that are stopped prior to halftime will be rescheduled.

When will an official cancel games due to the weather?

  • An official will cancel games in the event that rain has persisted to a point to make the fields unplayable or unsafe.
  • An official will cancel games if there is persistent lightning.
  • An official can call a game at any time if unsafe conditions arise.
    • Officials can delay the start of a game by 15 minutes to see if weather conditions clear up.
    • If lighting is in the area, the official can stop the game for up to 15 minutes before deciding to resume or cancel the game.
    • If the games are stopped, players can wait the 15 minutes in their vehicles. Players are expected to wait until the games are officially canceled. If players leave on their own accord, they could risk a game forfeit.

What makes a field unplayable?

  • If there is persistent standing water on the fields games will be cancelled. If standing water persists, it presents a danger to players and may result in damage to the fields.