Dodgeball Collective

​​​​​​​1. Physical/Rough Play

a. Play that is rough or overtly aggressive such as taunting, name calling, threats, intimidations and discriminatory behaviour will not be tolerated and may result in players being ejected from the league without refund. 

b. Any instances of physical aggression will be cause for immediate expulsion for everyone involved, whether instigating or retaliating. 

2. Harassment

Dodgeball Collective is committed to fostering a harassment-free environment where all players are treated with respect and dignity. Harassment both during and after games will not be tolerated, and anyone who is found to be in breach of this may be asked to leave the league.

Harassment includes, but is not limited to:

- Offending or humiliating someone physically or verbally
- Threatening or intimidating someone
- Behaviour of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, unwelcome, hostile or offensive environment

3. Alcohol/Drugs

Consuming alcoholic beverages or recreational drugs at league facilities/venues by players or spectators is strictly forbidden. Offenders will be asked to leave the league without refund.

4. Incidents Which Result in Loss of Permits

Any team or individual involved with any incident that results in the loss of a permit or which causes harm to the relationship between the league and a facility may be expelled from the league without refund.

5. Blood During Games

Any player who begins to bleed during a game must leave the playing area immediately. The player cannot return to the game until the bleeding has stopped and the wound has been sufficiently covered.

6. Reporting Injuries

Injuries requiring further medical attention other than basic first aid must be reported to the league by team captains by sending an incident report.

7. Game Scores

a. The team captain must enter the game score by 1pm two days after the game is completed (e.g. for Thursday games, scores must be entered by 1pm on Saturday). Scores that have not been entered by this time will be automatically approved if one team has entered the score. If neither team has entered their score then the league will reach out to captains directly.

b. If a team defaults a game, the score will be automatically entered as a 10-0 win to the opposing team.

8. League Standings

a. Wins are worth 2 points, ties are worth 1 point and losses are worth 0 points. 

b. Ties in the standings will be broken first by points +/- then by head-to-head record.

9. Playoffs

a. Depending on how many teams register for the season, playoffs may be 2 or 3 weeks, and will be scheduled once the results of the last game of the season have been inputted.

b. Once eliminated, teams will still play until the end of the season in consolation playoff games.

c. Subs may be used during playoffs but only in the following circumstances:

- Subs from other teams can only play if their game is at a different time, so that players are not missing their own playoffs.
- At all costs, captains must try to ensure that subs are of equal skill level to players missing from their team and should not use subs to stack their side.

10. Refereeing

a. The league has no referees so there will often not be league representatives in attendance at games. Players must call themselves and/or their own teammates out. 

b. Under no circumstances should players be calling out other teams when they think the opposition has been hit with a ball, unless it is a case where the other player hasn't realised they are out (e.g. back to the play, ricochet, multiple balls thrown at once etc). 

11. Conflict Resolution

If a game is becoming heated, please follow the guidelines below to help resolve conflict before it escalates:

-Before every game, captains should introduce themselves to each other so that the channel of communication is open from the very start.
- Call a time-out if tension is building. Teams can take a water break and captains can step to one side to discuss any issues that have been presented.
- Captains should speak to their own teammates about the situation. Reflect on anything that could be done differently and agree as a team how to proceed to cool down and get back to playing the game without tension.
- If captains feel that the game is no longer safe to continue with, they may call off the game. In this instance, both captains will need to send an incident report, as detailed in section 12 below. 

12. Incident Reports/Complaints

If there is an incident during a game, please follow the steps below to resolve conflict or report issues:

- If it can be sorted out during the game, this should be your first priority. Captains should speak with each other as soon as possible so that the game ends on a positive note.
- If you have general feedback where no action needs to be taken, please complete the feedback form HERE
- If you would like to file an official complaint, please complete the form HERE. Unless urgent action needs to be taken, please wait at least 24 hours before completing this form.
- If there is a serious issue which needs immediate attention, please contact the league at with the subject line URGENT. Where possible, please nominate one person to reach out so that we are not receiving multiple messages about the same incident.

13. Subs and Player Eligibility

a. During the regular season, team captains can ask anyone to play on their team so long as they are listed on a team roster for the current season, or are registered as a sub. All players must have signed the waiver to be eligible to play. 

b. Teams that use players who do not fall into any of the categories listed above may be subject to default.

14. Facility Care and Respect

a. When leaving the gym, please take all of your items with you, dispose of trash in provided receptacles and leave the space how you found it. This includes moving equipment in and out of the gym before and after games if necessary.

b. Please be sure to vacate the premises by the time specified on your schedule (i.e. if your game finishes at 9.30pm, you should stop the game at 9.25pm to give enough time to leave).

c. Enter and exit only by the specified instructions HERE. Do not wander in to other areas of the school other than the allocated gym and washroom/changerooms.

15. Foul Weather Policy

a. Games will continue as scheduled unless the venue itself is closed. The league will contact you in this instance to let you know that the game is cancelled. 

b. If a game is cancelled, we will try to reschedule for another time that suits the teams, but if this is not possible you will be refunded for the missed game.

16. Safety

a. As per 10a, there will not always be league representatives present at the game. If you arrive at a venue and deem it to be unsafe (e.g. wet gym floors), it is up to captains to discuss together whether they wish to go ahead with the game. If it is an issue that can be resolved by the on site custodian, then please speak with them to assist in making a safe space to play in.

b. If captains/teams decide a venue is unsafe for play, please make sure you have spoken to the custodian before you leave so that they are aware of the conditions of the gym. Then please send an incident report to the league so that we can contact the school about our concerns and can reschedule the game.

17. Spectators

Spectators are welcome to view leagues and events. Spectators are considered to be the equivalent of team members; as such, their actions are the responsibility of the team captain and each spectator must abide by all league rules and policies. Former players who have been suspended or ejected from the league are not welcome to attend as spectators.

18. Age Requirements

All players must be 19 years of age or older.

19. Social Media

Upon registering for the season, you can indicate whether or not you would like photos and/or videos of you posted on our website or Instagram pages. These are the options you will be presented with:

- You may use photos and videos of me on social media
- You may not use photos and videos of me on social media
- You may use photos and videos but don't tag me in them

If you change your mind at a later date, please email us at and we will update your preferences.