Dodgeball Collective

Racial equity refers to the systemic fair treatment of all people resulting in equitable opportunities and outcomes for everyone. It contrasts with formal equality where people are treated the same without regard for racial differences. Racial equity is a process (such as meaningfully engaging with Indigenous, Black and other racialized individuals regarding policies, directives, practices and procedures that affect them) and an outcome (such as equitable representation of Indigenous, Black and other racialized players at all levels of the league).

Systemic Racism
Systemic racism refers to organizational culture, policies, directives, practices or procedures that exclude, displace or marginalize some racialized groups or create unfair barriers for them to access valuable benefits and opportunities. This is often the result of institutional biases in organizational culture, policies, directives, practices, and procedures that may appear neutral but have the effect of privileging some groups and disadvantaging others.

Inclusion recognizes, welcomes, and makes space for diversity. An inclusive league capitalizes on the diversity of thought, experiences, skills and talents of all of our players.

An anti-racism approach is a systematic method of analysis and a proactive course of action. The approach recognizes the existence of racism, including systemic racism, and actively seeks to identify, remedy, and prevent the racially inequitable outcomes and power imbalances between groups and the structures that sustain these inequities

By challenging systemic racism head-on, we will build a more racially equitable and inclusive league. Removing barriers and disparities will lead to a better playing environment for everyone.

This policy will establish:
- Barrier-free practices in recruitment and retention of players
- Increased understanding of systemic racism and how to create a more inclusive league