SPRING HIGH PERFORMANCE PROGRAM 2024 (registration is closed)
This 4-week program is designed for athletes who are motivated to learn and embrace high performance values and habits, and take their game to the next level!
*Athletes registering for this program must have intentions of training to compete at the AA level or higher*
We are excited to share what we learned with Saskatoon athletes aspiring to excel at the AA level and beyond – Canada Winter Games, NRL, and Team Canada.
Target Group
This program is best suited to athletes who have, or are showing signs of, the following qualities:
- Passionate about ringette; primary sport (or close to/high priority)
- Skill level is above average for their age/stage of development
- Enjoys going to practice, pushing themselves to be their best, and receiving coach feedback
- Self-motivated to work on ringette-specific training outside of scheduled team activities
- Leads a generally healthy lifestyle – nutrition, fitness, sleep hygiene, etc.
Groups (based on age group for 2024/25 season) | Max 15 per group
- U14 (2011 & 2012)
- U16 first year (2010)
- U16 second year / U19 (2006-2009)
General Information
- Tuesdays and Thursdays for 4 weeks: May 14 to June 6 (see schedule below)
- Each week will include a classroom/dryland session and an ice session - 8 sessions total
- Athletes will receive a jersey, T-shirt, and resource materials
- Goalies welcome
Click here for more information
Cost: $300
Schedule (note: times for Tuesday classroom/dryland sessions are approximate and will be confirmed soon)
