Mississauga Recreational Co-Ed Hockey League

Mississauga Recreational Co-Ed Hockey League Summer 2024 Shinny

Play some pickup hockey over the summer in Mississauga with the MRCHL.

To register for shinny fill out the form here: Registration

Discount available for people who register and pay for the full season

Wednesday Nights at Meadowvale Four Rinks

Wednesday Night Summer Shinny Weekly at 7:00 PM at Meadowvale Four Rinks

Starts May 8 to August 28 (17 weeks)

$20.00 per game pay as you play

Thursday Nights at Erin Mills Twin Arena

Thursday Night Summer Shinny Weekly at 8:15 PM at Erin Mills Twin Arena  (* May 16 session is at 9:15 PM)

Starts May 16 to August 29 (16 weeks)

$20.00 per game pay as you play