Milton Girls Softball Association is an independent, non-profit organization committed to providing all girls with an experience that fosters positive self-esteem, team spirit and individual growth through personal achievement and team play.
- Listen to your coaches.
- Attend practices regularly.
- Be at games on time, or inform your coach if you have a schedule conflict.
- Respect your teammates, other teams, your coaches and the umpire.
- Cheer your team and say only positive things about your opponents and the umpire.
- Clean up the field area after each practice and/or game.
- Be positive toward your daughter with respect to her performance, her teammates, and girls on other teams. Positive cheering only.
- Reinforce positive behavior.
- Respect your daughter's coach, other coaches and umpires.
- Coaches are expected to monitor the behavior of the players and fans associated with their teams.
- Unsportsmanlike conduct by a coach or a parent is unacceptable and a significant offense will result in expulsion from the league. Adults must be role models and demonstrate sportsmanship and respect.
- Coaches can discuss calls with umpires for clarification, but arguing calls, or publicly criticizing calls, will not be tolerated.
- Alcohol consumption and smoking are prohibited on or near the fields.
Please keep in mind that softball is a sport, and good performance on the field translates into winning. Winning takes on a life of its own, and energizes a team and its players. We let this happen in Milton Girls Softball, but recognize that development comes from losing, as well. If winning becomes the sole purpose of your child’s team, something is wrong. Let us know.