Midessa Warriors
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Eligibility Guidelines


  • Grades: Each member team and/or program shall have standards to ensure that all participating players maintain at least a 2.0 GPA (on a 4-point scale) during the active season.
  • HomeSchooled Continuously: Must be HomeSchooled continuously from the start of the school year. If a student started the year in school, they must request a Hardship Exemption. 

Definition of a HomeSchool Student-Athlete

“Homeschooling” is defined by NCHC Member Organizations that a student’s education is parent-directed and done at home.

As such, the parents shall be directly involved in their child’s education, playing the role of the headmaster, thereby (1) selecting curriculum, (2) selecting and/or approving course materials and study schedules, & (3) selecting tutors, coop’s, teachers, dual enrollment options, &/or resources for their child’s education. HomeSchooling would also include a person of legal responsibility of the student filling the role of a parent.

Private and Public Schools

  • Full-time enrollment in a traditional public or private school is not homeschooling because the child’s education in such schools is not parent-directed. A player that attends any type of school full-time is not eligible. Even if the school is small and does not offer sports, for part-time students at these types of schools, the student must maintain at least 51% of his/her education from classes that meet the homeschooling definition.

Vocational Classes

  •  A student may take classes at vocational schools as long as he/she maintains at least 51% of his education from classes that meet the homeschooling definition.

51% Rule (this does not apply to Dual Credit/Enrollment classes)

  • For clarification purposes, a normal course load for a full-time student is six (6) core courses; therefore, if a student-athlete is taking more than three (3) courses at a public, private, or vocational, he/she is not considered 51% homeschooled (dual credit/enrollment classes are not counted against the student.)

Dual Credit/Enrollment Clause

  • Freshman, Sophomore, & Junior HomeSchool Student-Athletes taking advantage of Dual Credit/Enrollment Programs are required to take three (3) High School Courses per semester. Senior HomeSchool Student-Athletes that are taking advantage of Dual Credit/Enrollment Programs are required to take a minimum of two (2) High School Courses per semester. High School Courses can be electives (like Physical Education, etc.). High School Courses can be taken through Co-Ops or any other eligible parent-directed definition.

Transfers under Disciplinary action

  • Not Eligible. Any student who transfers from a public school, Christian/Private School, or another HomeSchool team and is under disciplinary action(s) must wait one (1) year before he/she is eligible to participate.

Age & Gender Requirements

  • Age Cut Off: A player’s age group is determined by his/her age on September 1 of the current school year. 
  • Playing ‘up’: Players may play in a higher age group. This will be by invitation only and at the discretion of the coach. 
  • Gender: A player is only eligible to play in the gender division that the player was born, as recorded on their original birth certificate.
  • Proof of age requirements: Players must be able to provide their birth certificate in the case of any disputes. 

Additonal Requirements

  • Marriage: A player cannot be married.
  • Attended School as a Senior: An upperclassman transfer that attended school as a Senior is not eligible. 
  • HomeSchooled Continuously: Must be HomeSchooled continuously from the start of the school year. If a student started the year in school, they must request a Hardship Exemption.
  • Mile Radius: A player must live within a 100-mile radius of the team’s practice facility.
  • Player Registration: All players attending an NCHC Event must have the NCHCLive.com player registration completed by their parents.
  • Live at Home with Parents: A player must live at home with his/her parent or court-appointed legal guardian. In the case of foster children or other family hardships, an organization can seek a Hardship Exemption.
  • Graduation Ceremony Participation: A player that has already participated in a graduation ceremony is not eligible to participate.

*This is NOT an exhaustive list of eligibility guidelines. The Midessa Warriors board may deny any player from participation in our program, if deemed necessary, for any reason.