What age can I sign my child up for LYSA?
PreK thru grade 8 are able to sign up. We do ask for PreK players that they are potty trained and willing to listen to instructions.
How are teams set up?
Teams are set up as follows:
PreK/K, Grade 1 & 2, Grade 3 & 4, Grade 5 & 6, Grade 7 & 8
We do try to field separate boys and girls teams. However, if we do not have enough players, teams will be combined to form a co-ed team.
Where are practices held?
For all teams, practices are held in Loudonville.
What days and times are practices held?
It is up to the coach what days of the week and what time practices are. Typically, practices are held twice a week after 5pm.
Where are games held and how many are there?
For the PreK/K group, there are no games. If scrimmages do happen, it will be during practice time. Grades 1-8 play games on Saturdays in Wooster with typically 6 games for the season.
What time are games in Wooster?
Game start times range from 8:00am until 6:00pm. Wooster releases the game schedule about 1 week prior to the first game.
What does my player need to wear to their game?
Your player's jersey will be provided by LYSA. We suggest black shorts and black soccer socks. Shin guards and soccer cleats (no baseball cleats) are required.
Where can I get soccer equipment?
LYSA has a "Swap N Share" every season (Spring & Fall). We collect donated equipment from parents of players that have grown out of their items. We then have a "Swap N Share" day for anyone who needs equipment. ANY CURRENT PLAYER CAN PICK OUT EQUIPMENT NEEDED FOR THE SEASON, IT IS ENTIRELY FREE! Items may include cleats, shin guards, soccer socks, shorts, soccer balls, ball pumps, etc.
How do I sign up?
LYSA offers a Spring & Fall season and registration is online. The link will be sent out to previous season's players via our communication app (TeamLinkt). We will also post the link on our Facebook page, so please follow our page for updates.
How do I volunteer?
We are always looking for coaches, assistant coaches and sponsors, so please reach out if you are interested (it will be an option to add that in during registration as well). And what better way to pick your own practice days and times than to VOLUNTEER to coach!! :)