Cypress Sports League
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The mission of Cypress Sports Leaguce is to create an opportunity for adults to be active, a part of a team, and involved in the community through participation in sports. Our leagues/events will be played with good sportsmanship. 

As a participant in any CSL event I pledge to be responsible for my words and actions and shall abide by the following Code of Conduct:

I will:


  • Respect the game, play fairly, and follow all rules and policies.
  • Accept the decisions of officials with good grace.
  • Demonstrate good sportsmanship before, during, and after games to both opponents and all officials, whether my team wins or loses.
  • Be responsible for the sportsmanship of my teammates and assist in maintaining a respectful environment for all participants.
  • Be courteous to opposing teams, officials, and coordinators, and treat all with respect.
  • Help to maintain and keep all equipment and conditions at the game location I play at in good condition.
  • Respect the privilege of the use of the game locations, including obeying all rules, caring for and respecting all equipment, common areas, parking areas, and surrounding neighborhoods.
  • Refrain from the use of abusive language or profanity.
  • Not engage in any behavior that would endanger the health, saftey, or well-being of any player, official, or staff member.
  • Not engage in verbal, written, or physical threats or abuse aimed at any player, official, or staff member.
  • Not initiate a fight with any participant, official, or staff member, including, but not limited to pushing, shoving, punching, etc.
  • Not use alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs at any location unless otherwise specified.
  • Wear/use all required and issued equipment and/or uniforms.


I understand that any behavior deemed unacceptable by  may result in ejection and/or suspension from a game or the league for an indefinite amount of time. CSL reserves the right to remove a player from a game or a league if they are considered to be displaying poor sportsmanship contrary to the Code of Conduct. All decisions made by on-site officials must be respected and obeyed. Any disputes or issues you may have with a rule, player, team, or staff member should be brought immediately to the attention of the CSL League Rep.

If you have any further questions please email us at