Cypress Sports League
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Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an age requirement?

-You must be 18 or older by the league’s start date for the sport you would like to register for.

What does the league fee include?  

-League fee includes t-shirt for each team member equipment, officials, as well as specials at our sponosored location(s), and prizes and bragging rights for league champs. 

What is your refund policy?  

-We have a no refund policy. When you sign up as an individual or a full team, we hold your spot and once the league is full we have to turn away other players. However, under special circumstances we may make an exception to our no refund policy.

- In the event that there are not at least 4 teams to play in a leauge, the season will be cancelled and you will be refunded. 

Is there a deadline to register?

-We accept registrations until leagues are full or until the Friday the week prior to the start of the season.

Can I play if I don't have a team?

-Yes! You can register as a Free Agent and we will assign you to a team with other free agents.

How do I join with a friend?

-During the Registration process, you will register as a Free Agent and will submit your friend's name under teammate request.

I registered a team, however do I add my team members?

-Your registration comfirmation included a unqiue code to share with the people you wish to join your team. They should use this code under the "Team Member" registration option. 

-Please review caps for team registration. Your fee includes up to 14 people for Flag Football, 16 people for Kickball, 12 people for Volleyball, and 2 (optional 3rd) for Cornhole. Any additional players you would like to have on your team will need to register as a Free Agent and put the team name in their "teammate request"

How many people are assigned to a team?

-Flag Football

  • Up to 14 people with 7 on the field. Co-ed league requires 2 (minimum of 1 to play) women on the field at all times.


  • Up to 16 people with 10 on the field.  Co-ed league requires 4 (minimum of 2 to play) women on the field at all times.

-Indoor Volleyball

  • Up to 12 people, with 6 on the court. Co-ed league requires 2 (minimum of 1 to play) women on the field at all times.


  • Up to 3 people on a team, with 2 playing at a time. Leagues are co-ed with no gender requirement.

When and where are games played?

-All games will start between 6pm and 8pm on the day of the league. All games will be played at Trinity Vineyard Church and Cornhole at Murdoch's Backyard Pub. 

How long are games?

-Most games will take about an hour. In the event that your game is over prior to the hour, you may continue to utlilize your field until the next games starts. In the event that your game is NOT over after an hour of play, the game will be called and the team with the highest score will be declared the winner. 

What equipment do I need to bring?

-We provide referees and league coordinators as well as balls, flags, bases, etc. For Flag Football your team can bring your own ball and players MUST wear shorts without pockets. Please wear your league issued shirt.

-Volleyball players should bring their own knee pads.

How do Playoffs work?

Playoff structure will depend on the number of teams in the league and the final standings of the league. In most cases, playoff games will be played tournament style with a bracket and a final championship game.

What happens with bad weather?

-If games are cancelled due to inclement weather, each registered player with an active email address will receive an email notifying you of the cancellation at least one hour prior to the start of the first game. Our website will also be updated on the home page. The decision on when to cancel a game due to weather is almost always based on actual field conditions at the field you are scheduled to play.  Always assume games are on as scheduled unless you receive a notification email or the rainout hotline message says otherwise. If a game is cancelled, it will be rescheduled for a later date. Please note that this may include double header games, if necessary.

What happens if the other team doesn't show up?

-In the event that the other team does not show, or does not have enough people to complete a team, that team will taking a loss for the game. Your team may scrimage amongst your own teammates and/or against members who show from the other team.

What happens if there's an odd number of teams in a league?

-You may be asked to play a second game, no more than once per season.