Cypress Sports League
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*CSL will have a rep to resolve disputes, however, you are responsible for scoring your own game.


All cornhole equipment will be provided by CSL


There are 8 bags provided, 4 for each team. Captains will play rock, paper, scissors (best 2 out of 3), with the winner choosing which team tosses first. Teams alternate throwing first each set, i.e. the team that tosses first to start the first set will toss last to start the second set. 

Partners will face each other at opposite board sets so as to not provide an advantage to one team or another. Once a set has started, partners must remain on their same side of the cornhole board for the entire set.

Teams may have up to 2 pitchers on each end, however they must rotate every toss throughout the set. Teams can switch pitchers between sets. If a player arrives late, they must wait until the set is over to enter the game, unless the captain of the opposing team consents to them joining in the middle of the set.

Teams will alternate pitches until all bags are thrown. Once all 8 bags are thrown, teams will agree upon the scoring (as prescribed below) and will update the scoreboard. If there is a scoring dispute, the league coordinator should be pulled in for a ruling prior to the bags being moved.

Players must stay behind the foul line when pitching. The foul line is defined as the imaginary line that runs horizontally from the front edge of the board.

The team that scores points will toss first in the next frame. If nobody scores, the order will remain the same, i.e. the team that tossed first in the prior frame will toss first again.

Play will continue until a team reaches 21 points (or more) first. The team that reaches 21 points will win the set.

Matches are best 2 out of 3 sets. If a match is tied after the first 2 sets, the 3rd set will be played to 15 points.


IF the game has not finished after one hour of play, the team with the higher score will be declared the winner. 



Bag “In the Hole” - 3 points will be awarded for a bag in the hole, which is defined as a bag which thrown through the hole in the platform or otherwise comes to rest inside the platform either by being knocked in by another player’s bag or an act of God).


Bag “In the Count” - 1 point will be awarded for a bag in the count, which is defined as a bag that has any portion resting on the platform. If a bag touches the ground and then comes to rest on the platform, it will be considered a foul and must be removed from the board immediately and no points will be awarded.


Bag “Out of the Count” – 0 points will be awarded for a bag out of the count, which is defined as a bag that comes to rest anywhere except “in the count” or “in the hole”. A foul bag will be considered to be “out of the count” and must be removed from the court immediately.


Cancellation scoring will be in effect, i.e. the score recorded at the end of each frame will be the difference in the points between the 2 teams.


For example if Team 1 makes 2 bags “in the hole” for a total of 6 points and Team 2 makes 2 bags “in the count” for a total of 2 points, the result would be Team 1 scoring 4 total points (6 – 2 = 4).



A foul bag is a bag that is delivered in non-compliance with the rules of the game. All foul bags are considered “out of the count” and must be removed from play immediately. If a foul bag contacts any bags that are “in the count”, those bags will be replaced at their original positions, even if the bag is “in the count” and is knocked “in the hole” by the foul bag. Foul bags will be assessed in the following instances:

  1. Any bag not delivered within 20 seconds of a player’s turn beginning.
  2. Any bag that contacts the ground.
  3. A player crosses the foul line on the toss.
  4. A player tosses out of turn.



Playoff seedings will be determined by the best overall records. In the event that 2 teams are tied with the same record, head-to-head matchups will determine higher seedings whenever possible. When head-to-head matchups cannot clearly determine a higher seed, or when 3 or more teams are tied, tiebreakers will be determined in the following order:

1)    Head-to-head matchups (for 2 way ties when possible, described above)

2)    Highest team set differentials for the season

3)    Highest team point differentials for the season

4)    Highest team total sets won

5)    Highest team total points for the season

6)    Lowest team total points allowed for the season

7)    Coin Flip