Cambridge Basketball League
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Cambridge Basketball League Competition Rules rev Sept 2020 


To “Play” “Playing” in a game is defined as having appeared on the score sheet, and having been present at that game, even if the player did not appear on the court. 

“Junior” Player A junior player is one who is entitled to play in National competitions at the Under 18 Level (or below). 

“Senior” player Senior player is any other player. 

“Clubs” and “ Teams” A “Club” can have one or more “Teams”. 


1. The CBL will comprise the following divisions: a. Men's Division One: b. And any subsequent divisions that are agreed upon via AGM consensus as appropriate for the number of member clubs within the League. 

2. The rules of the CBL will apply to all divisions unless the Executive Committee decides otherwise. 

3. The Executive Committee will determine annually the entry fees for clubs and/or teams. 

4. Rules 4 A&B only apply to clubs with two teams. Any abuse of the spirit of these rules shall be referred to the Disciplinary Committee. A. Prior to the commencement of fixtures, the ‘club’ shall provide the League with the names and registration numbers of 6 players who shall be eligible for first-team participation only. All other club members, be they junior or senior, shall be eligible for participation within either team. Modification of the named list during the season shall be discouraged and made only following the express approval of the executive committee. 

N.B. It is the League’s expectation that the 6 named players shall be formed from the club’s strongest representation, and these players shall be seen to dominate first team participation, thereby affording the remaining ‘bench’ players the opportunity to act as dominant players within the club’s ‘second’ team. The fluidity between teams is designed to encourage player development, whilst allowing a 2-team club structure with minimal club membership. B. Any scheduled League games between teams of the same club must be completed within the first two-thirds of the League season. This will be defined per division based on fixtures completed rather than elapsed time. 

5. Transfers Scenario A – Players wishing to move clubs during the season.

No player may play for more than one club in the Cambridge Basketball League in any one season, except where an official transfer request is submitted and approved. (Cambridge Basketball League Competition Rules rev Sept 2013)

Scenario B – Players wishing to move clubs during the off-season. Players are free to choose the club for whom they wish to play, and may therefor switch clubs between seasons without the necessity for official transfer protocols. However, all financial transactions between player and club are required to be resolved before the player is eligible to play for his new team within the CBL. Failure to meet financial resolution shall deem the player ‘ineligible’, and as such subject to section 4, rule 4.iv of the League Constitution, enforceable from date of notification to the League. The CBL will seek to protect the financial security all clubs, within the CBL structure or other, by these means. 

6. In order to be eligible to play in Cup Semi-Finals & Finals, OR Playoff Semi-Finals & Finals, a player must have participated in six games, unless otherwise approved by the Competitions Sub-Committee.

7. Each club, its players and coaches must be registered with Basketball England by October 31st and registration numbers forwarded to the Competitions Secretary (Ian Reid) by same. No registrations will be allowed after 31st January. Registration numbers shall be provided to the table official prior to commencement of every game for inclusion on the score sheet. 

8. Any team playing an unregistered player or coach in breach of Rule 7, or is unable to provide the table for appropriate names and registration numbers for ALL players & coaches shall be referred to the Disciplinary Sub-Committee. (rule 4.iv of the CBL Constitution applies) 

9. Fixtures will be issued in draft by CBL pre September. Participating clubs must request and agree all changes to the fixtures schedule by 31st October, at which time the fixtures shall be considered ‘frozen’. No changes will be allowed in normal circumstances after this time. Where circumstances will prevent, or have prevented, a fixture taking place at the appointed time/place, details must be forwarded to the Competitions Officer (Ian Reid). The Competitions Sub-Committee will decide on what course of action to take.


10. Smart matching kit must be worn for all games played in any competitions organised by CBL. Parameters for kit and associated accessories are defined by Basketball England;

a. Shirts must be of the same matching single colour and shorts must be of the same matching single colour, although shirts and shorts may be of contrasting colours; all players must however wear identical uniforms. In the context of this rule, tee-shirts are also permitted as the main uniform shirt, again provided all are of an identical style. All shirts must be numbered according to Basketball England  regulations.

b. Visible under-shirts worn under vests are not permitted (except for medical/cultural reasons)

c. Visible under-shorts are permitted, but must be of the same colour as the uniform shorts.

It is the responsibility of the coach to ensure all players comply with this rule. The appointed CBL match officials may, at their discretion, exercise ‘interpretation’ conducive with the spirit of the League and of the occasion. The referee will bring infringements to the attention of the team coach. If the faults are not corrected, the referee may at his/her discretion deem the player/s attire inappropriate, and exclude them from participation. A persistent infringement may be reported by the referee to the executive committee whereby the player/s may be deemed ‘ineligible’, and subject to rule 4.iv of the Cambridge Basketball League Competition Rules rev Sept 2013 CBL Constitution. 

11. In the event of a colour clash the onus will be on the HOME team to change kit. (Home team being responsible for organising the event, and most likely nearest a spare kit if discovered on the night!) 

12. Both teams must furnish the scorer with a written team list that includes the initial and surname of each player and coach, registration number of each player and coach, playing number, and nominated captain, at least 10 minutes before the scheduled tip-off time. Delayed tip-off times due to this rule not being met may be reported on the Game Check Sheet, or reverse side of the score sheet, by the referee. 

13. The Home Team must provide the following: (a). Competent scorer (b). Competent time-keeper (not the same person) (c). At least one sounding device (D). Two stopping clocks (one visual for playing time, one for time-outs) (E). The 4 quarter approved score book (F). Five individual foul markers (G) Two red team foul markers (H). A possession arrow (I). A Visual scoreboard (J) A match ball - to the referee's satisfaction( K). And The CBL Game Check Sheet (if adopted protocol for any particular season) (L) The home team is reminded that it is also responsible for ensuring that the sports hall surface is suitably swept, and that facility is on hand to wipe moisture from the floor that might cause danger to the players – sweat or the like). 

14. Any items in Rule 13 of insufficient standard may be detailed and recorded on the Game Check Sheet, or reverse side of the score sheet, by the referee. 


16. The completed score sheet should be emailed by the home side to the Competitions Officer within one week of the match. 

17. Officials' fees and travelling expenses shall be shared by both teams at a rate current with Basketball England guidelines and / or pre-set at the AGM by the CBL committee. The referees are to complete the declaration of expenses on the official CBL Game Check Sheet. 

18. If an away team cancels a game at short notice (Within 7 days) which causes loss of court costs to the home team, we recommend that the away team reimburse the home team with a negotiated amount of the court costs. (CBL suggested rate as at Sept 2013 being £70.00). A min of 7 days notice period must be given by the away team to avoid such action. (Cambridge Basketball League Competition Rules rev 07 July 2022)


DISQUALIFICATIONS (Refer also section 6 of the CBL Constitution) 

Player and Club Conduct 
Any player who abuses a Referee/umpire or challenges the authority of a Referee/umpire in a manner deemed unacceptable will face disciplinary action. It will also be a disciplinary offence for any player and/or club in the course of, or in connection with a match, to act in a manner which could prejudice the good name or interests of the League or any sponsors. 
Reports of such acts of player misconduct received by the league will, in the first 
instance, be passed to the player’s club which will advise the League within ten 
days of the action it intends to take. 

20. A player, coach, or assistant coach disqualified from a game shall be automatically subject to Section 6 item 6.iv of the League Constitution. The Referee shall notify the officials Secretary of the disqualification in order that this ruling might be monitored. Disciplinary action against a club may include deduction of points, a reprimand, fine, relegation, suspension or termination of membership at any time. Action against a player may include a reprimand, suspension or permanent ban from participation in the League. 

21a. Should the referee deem the infringement or aftermath of the infringement to be sufficiently severe, both he and the umpire shall complete Disciplinary Reports giving their accounts of events, and shall forward these to the League and Officials Secretary within 48hrs of the incident. A report can also be submitted for any other reason at the discretion of the match officials.

Disciplinary action against a club  


First offence: Reprimand 

Second Offence: £100 Fine or Points Deduction 

Third offence Possible: Fine - Relegation - suspension – Termination 


Any fines levied must be immediately after being notified of Disciplinary action 


21A.If, during the game, an assault on a match official or player, a brawl or abandonment occurs, the referee must report such occurrence to the Competition Secretary within 48 hours of the game’s conclusion by telephone and confirm in writing within five working days with a copy to the reported party. Should the referee deem the infringement or aftermath of the infringement to be sufficiently severe, both they and the umpire shall complete Disciplinary Reports giving their accounts of events. A report can also be submitted for any other reason at the discretion of the match officials. 

21b. Following receipt of Match Officials reports following a disqualification, or other disciplinary matter, the Officials Secretary shall if appropriate seek statements from match night coaches, and shall convene a Disciplinary Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee will consider the facts provided, dismiss the case, uphold item 6.iv of the CBL Constitution or award an additional penalty and/or warning accordingly.

22. Any team follower disqualified from a game, can be dealt with in accordance with rule 21 above.

23. Any disqualified player, coach, assistant coach or team follower who receives any match ban is not allowed to be in communication with his/her team during the match(es) in question. Breaches of this rule will be reported to the Disciplinary Sub-Committee for further consideration.

24. In the event of a score sheet being signed under protest, the team in question must submit a written report, detailing the circumstances of the protest, to the Competitions Officer within seven days. The report MUST be accompanied with a £50 deposit. The competitions Officer will convene a Disciplinary Sub-Committee within fourteen days from the receipt of the report and deposit, to consider the protest. If the protest is upheld the deposit will be returned. If a scoresheet is signed under protest but no report submitted, the protesting club will be fined £50. Protests regarding specific refereeing decisions will not be entertained. Interpretation and enforcement of the CBL rules shall remain at the discretion of the CBL committee, appropriate to the specific circumstances and context of any particular event.

END Cambridge Basketball League Competition Rules 07 July 2022.