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​​​​​​​Below is a brief outline to explain the process your player will be going through in the SAAH U13 AA evaluations:

  • All non-returning skaters will have 3 icetimes (10 teams) without the players that played U13 SAAH the previous year (Skill session and Rookie skates).  Icetimes will consist of one skill session (Mon or Tues) as well as 2 games both Wed and Thurs.  
  • The top skaters from the rookie skates join the returning players on Friday. There will be 8 teams at this stage and each team will play 3 more games.
  • All the sessions are evaluated by independent evaluators who provide a score for each player based upon skating, puck control, work ethic, checking, shooting, passing and hockey sense.
    • In addition, the 6 coaches with assistants will be in attendance for most of the sessions and feedback will be received from them each night.
  • For the Main Camp games, both the independent evaluators and the coaches will also be providing evaluation scores.  We will have 8 to 10 scores on each player in this final segment, which will provide a very good overall evaluation for each player.
  • All player sessions for the rookies skates will be 45 minutes and will increase to an hour for the weekend games.
    • Every 60 seconds we will ring the buzzer for changes
    • Line combinations are to change each game
    • Referees will run each game


  • SAAH will be utilizing a separate goaltending coordinator to utilize a specific expertise.
  • They will be evaluated in the goalie session and will be assigned for the scrimmage games.
  • All scrimmage games will be evaluated by a separate group of independent goalie evaluators specifically with goaltending knowledge.
  • The SAAH Goalie Coordinator will send out a separate schedule for the goalies.