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volleyBallers of Exton

Events and Recreations (BEER)


  • Co-Ed Sixes: minimum of 1 girl and a max of 4 guys on the court at all times.
  • Each match will consist of five games and time limited to an hour and 30 minutes  Each game will count in the overall standings for regular season standings. First 3 games are played to 25 (cap 27). 4th&5th game is to 21 (cap 25) and will be shortened to insure they end of time .  
  • One time-out per game is allowed.
  • A female must contact the ball at least once if there is more than one contact on a side to have a male attack the ball above the net. Any contact of the ball over the plan of the net is considered an attack. (Even if players do not leave their feet) 
  • A defensive block does not count as one of the allowable contacts. 
  • The serve may not be blocked or spiked. Serves hitting the net will be legal.
  • Open hand received is allowed while in serve receive & first contact 
  • A player may touch but not completely cross over the centerline with his/her foot.
  • USA VOLLEYBALL Rules apply unless stated otherwise.
  • Official ball is the Molten Flistatec or Pro Touch (Unless both captains otherwise agree)


All games will be refereed.  Captains are responsible for recording the results of their game on the Google Sheet.  Our team will monitor all courts during the playoffs and will be available for any and all questions, concerns, or discrepancies that may arise. Honor calls are accepted and appreciated.


These leagues are set for the BB and A/AA level of play determined by BEER. If a player is deemed to be significantly higher than the BB or A/AA level to which there may be a warranted health & safety risk to other players, that player will be asked to remain ‘grounded’- grounded meaning the player will not be allowed to attack the ball above the plane of the net. 


The idea of this league is to have fun. We hope that all participants keep that in mind when becoming involved. Although the games may become intense, you still can be competitive while maintaining good sportsmanship. With this said, any behavior deemed unacceptable by staff may result in suspension and/or ejection from


If for any reason your team may have to forfeit, please contact management to see if enough subs are available within the league to cover the match for that evening. Subs are not approved by management prior to match start, please refer to Player Eligibility Statement. 

A team that forfeits will be charged the ref fees for the match forfeited.


All eligible teams make the playoffs! We will be breaking down the league into a Gold and Silver bracket for playoffs which are set to be run the final two weeks of play! Players must have played at least twice in regular season to be eligible to play in playoffs. 

Playoffs will be best of 5 (first 4 games to 25 no cap, win by 2. 5 set to 15 win by 2)